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Boating Rules | Boating School | Boat Rally | Galilean Service

clcc nj boats

Cranberry Lake Community Club-Boating Rules

Speed Restrictions

Speed Limit 35 MPH

Speed Limit 5 MPH at the following locations:
In front of Club house and extending north of the bridge into Laurel Cove.
Between Rose’s Beach and Rock Island

  • In Weaver House Cove
    Within 100’ of any shore, any wharf, pier, bridge, dock structure, buoy, person in the water, or designated bathing area which is marked by buoys

  • Operation of a vessel “At Speed” shall be in a counter clockwise direction on the lake.

  • Any person swimming or using a raft, tube or other flotation device shall be accompanied by a boat escort unless such person is not more than 75’ from shore.

  • NJ State Police rules apply to water skiing, skin diving, negligent operation, noise control, operating under the influence, safe operating speed, and jet skis.


Boating School

Cranberry Lake is hosting a boating school on June 9, 2013 at the Club House. Preregistration is required. There is a fee. Contact B. Mershon for more information.

Anyone who operates a power boat, jet ski or other personal water craft is required to have a current Boating Safety Certificate.

The boat safety course is run by a certified instructor. The course meets the NJ State requirements to obtain a boat license, provided you pass the exam and meet the other requirements, e.g. age.

The boat safety course is an all day event.


Boat Rally

The annual boat safety rally will take place on August 11th. Check out the calendar for details. The boat safety rally focuses on fun while providing continuing education on boating safety.


Galilean Service

Worship God and hear a message and good music from the Clubhouse porch. Come in your boat and listen from the water. This event is run rain or shine.


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© 2014 Cranberry Lake Community Club - CLCC - Cranberry Lake, NJ 07821